90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiancé’s Veronica Rodriguez Reveals Painful Way She Fractured Her Jaw

90 Day Fiancé's Veronica Rodriguez Reveals Painful Way She Fractured Her Jaw

90 Day Fiancé star Veronica Rodriguez finally revealed details of the accident that led to her jaw being fractured. The 37-year-old has been a regular on Pillow Talk. But before that happened, she was best known for being Tim Malcolm’s girlfriend-turned-best friend from 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days season 4. Veronica has since charmed her way into fans’ hearts and was recently seen in 90 Day: The Single Life season 3, in which she revealed she was having a fling with Kim Menzies’ son Jamal. Veronica is now in the news for sharing pictures of a broken jaw; however, she did not share why she was rushed to the ER.

To explain, Veronica said she was in Miami visiting her family to celebrate her birthday early when her brother wanted to do a push-up challenge. Veronica tried her mom’s ab wheel but didn’t realize it had an auto recoil feature. “So the little toy cars when you pull it back, it goes on its own and it’s meant to help you get back up,” said Veronica. But she had it on backward, so when she pulled up and went to push back out, it took off on her and slammed her face into a marble floor on a slab foundation.

90 Day Fiancé’s Veronica Had To Be Rushed To The ER

Montage of 90 Day Fiancé's Veronica Rodriguez surrounded by an illustrated stork and baby bottle

The first thing that happened was Veronica‘s chin was ripped open. Her brother and sister, who are both medical professionals, figured Veronica needed stitches. Her father, who never had to take her to the hospital when she was growing up, had to take her to the ER at 37 years old. “I kept telling them my face really hurts,” she recalled. Since Veronica’s cheek was hurting, they got a CT scan done just to be sure. Sure enough, they discovered three fractures on her face, including two on both of her cheeks and one on her chin.

So they had to wire my jaw shut” because of all the fractures so they could heal properly. The other option was to do an open surgery where they cut across her cheeks and put plates and screws inside, but there were a lot of complications involved. The healing process, however, might have been shorter than with her mouth being wired shut. Veronica now has four screws on the top of her mouth and four on the lower side, with four wires connecting all of them inside. It will take Veronica at least six weeks to heal properly.

It might also take eight weeks, so Veronica is keeping her fingers crossed. She promises to keep her fans updated about how it goes. Veronica first revealed she was hurt via her Instagram Stories where she asked her fans to subscribe to her page to find out the details. While Veronica celebrated her birthday and shared pictures from the celebration, one of them was a selfie showing her wired jaw, which created some confusion since there was no explanation of what had happened to the 90 Day Fiancé star.

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