90 Day Fiancé

’90 Day Fiance’ Fans Think Josko Must Be Banned

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90 Day Fiance star Vanja Grbic continues to gain the sympathy of fans after suffering from multiple heartbreaks in the latest season of BF90. The 42-year-old flew to Croatia to meet Boz. Things didn’t go well for them because Bozo only sees her as a friend. Vanja was about to give up in love, but she later met Josko. Things quickly escalated between the two. However, the latest Tell-All episode showed how Vanja had suffered because of him. Several Redditors also think Josko must be punished for what he did. Keep reading to see the discussion.

90 Day Fiance: Vanja Grbic’s Shocking Revelation

The latest episode of BF90 Tell-All featured Vanja’s shocking revelation about Josko. According to the 90 Day Fiance star, they did have a healthy s*x life. However, she revealed that Josko took a video of them having s*x without her permission. Vanja was so emotional as she shared the horrifying story. Josko apologized for what he did, adding that he never had any bad intentions for Vanja. Regardless, it was clear that things were over between the two.

Vanja Grbic From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Vanja Grbic From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Fans Think Josko Must Be Banned

Some Redditors discussed Josko Luketin’s confession about recording his intimate moment with Vanja without her permission. The 90 Day Fiance star insisted that he didn’t mean to harm Vanja, adding that he truly had good intentions for her. However, some Redditors believe Josko must be punished for the traumatic thing he did to Vanja Grbic. Many comments also hope that Josko will never come back and get banned from reality shows for life.

Josko Luketin From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Josko Luketin From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
  • “I’m guessing that we won’t ever see Josko again after this season. There’s literally no reason to have him back since he ended things with Vanja and he’s not even American, so I don’t see why they would ask him to come back.”
  • “Totally agree! I really thought he was a decent guy, but when Vanja spoke up about what he’d done, I was done with him!”
  • “He is so vile that even Adnan looked like a good person in comparison for a minute (when Adnan started defending Vanja after Josko had the nerve the put down her bedroom skills when he knew he was in the wrong for filming them in bed without consent).”
  • “Adnan is horrible but at least he called out that FILMING S*X WITHOUT CONSENT IS ILLEGAL and I’m happy this show aired that. Not sure where that outrage was when Gino disseminated private pictures without her consent. Both are IBSA and illegal in a lot of places. Trash behaviors.”
  • “Josko is a f**king criminal.”

90 Day Fiance: How’s Vanja Grbic Today?

Vanja Grbic remains in touch with the fans on social media. Many of her posts today are about her career as a professional belly dancer. The 90 Day Fiance star often performs at huge events and parties. Many fans also love the positive energy she’s been showing online, even after all the heartbreaks she suffered. Vanja has yet to share if she’s ready to date again. But many fans hope she’d focus more on herself first.


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