90 Day Fiancé

Sarper Eliminated Immediately After Assaulting Shekinah: Tension and Scandal Erupt

“90 Day’”s Shekinah Cries After Sarper Rips Out Her Hair Extension During Blowout Fight: ‘He Doesn’t Like to Be Confronted’

<p>TLC</p> Shekinah (left) and Sarper (right) on 90 Day Fiancé
Shekinah (left) and Sarper (right) on 90 Day Fiancé

Things are over for 90 Day Fiance’s Sarper and Shekinah.

On the Aug. 26 episode of The Other Way, Sarper and Shekinah celebrated their shared birthday, but their conversation quickly turned into a fight. When Sarper brought up purchasing a vanity and Shekinah declined the suggestion, she didn’t realize that she had set off Sarper.

“She doesn’t want it, she doesn’t want anything,” he told cameras as they showed up to their apartment at the request of Shekinah.

<p>TLC</p> Shekinah


“He just wants what he wants, and he feels like he might not get it, so he spirals,” she added, answering “no” when the crew asked if she was okay.

“He ripped out my hair extensions and he ripped my phone out of my hand and wouldn’t give it back to me,” she then cried.

At first, Sarper denied it, claiming he wouldn’t lay his hands on her. However, he eventually told his side of the story to cameras.

“Yeah, I took her phone from her and yeah, one of their extensions from here came out,” he explained. “I never harm her. I never touch her.”

<p>TLC</p> Sarper


Disappointed that this was how their birthday was ending, Sarper sat back on the couch as Shekinah gathered her things and headed toward the door.

“Take care of yourself, Shekinah,” he said. “In your new life, in your new life in LA with your parties.”

“I’ll take care of myself a lot better than you,” Shekinah hit back.

When she got in the car with producers, she explained that when she told Sarper she didn’t like the vanity enough to pay the big price tag, Sarper got angry about her lack of gratitude for him.

“He was yelling at me in the car and saying he’s changed his whole life for me [and] what have I done? I haven’t done anything for him,” she recalled. “He [said] he had a good life before. He had a peaceful life. He was perfectly happy. And now look at his life.”

<p>TLC</p> Shekinah

“So we got back to the house and he just kept yelling and started yelling more and more, then he came over and grabbed my phone, ripped my hair extension out,” she continued.

She claimed that he then told her he didn’t know where her phone was, gaslighting her into thinking he hadn’t taken it. “He was trying to make me feel like I was going crazy,” she said. “Finally, he gave it back to me and he said, ‘Come here, baby, come here. It’s our birthday. Let me hug you.’ I was like, ‘Don’t touch me.’ And so I started packing.”

Shekinah, crying, checked into a nearby hotel with her dog by her side and reflected on how quickly the night went downhill.

“He goes, ‘If you leave, you’ll never see me again,’” she recalled. “And I was like, ‘That’s the point.’”

<p>TLC</p> Shekinah


Noting that her life has been “surreal” since she got to Turkey, she said she doesn’t know how to feel with it ending this way.

“I feel a little bit numb at this point, like I just need to process what happened,” she said. “He kept saying, ‘You’ve changed. You used to listen to me, now you don’t listen to me.’ And he was saying, ‘I want the old Shekinah back who used to listen to me in the beginning.’”

“I don’t think I’ve changed. I think I’m using my voice more because I’m realizing certain things are not okay,” she added. “He doesn’t like to be confronted or questioned or challenged at all.”

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