90 Day Fiancé

Yara is No More ! Jovi Drop Very Shocking News Today

’90 Day Fiance’ Yara Zaya Unrecognizable, Fans Want DNA Test

90 Day Fiance star, Yara Zaya is now unrecognizable and fans are demanding a DNA test to prove that it is her. She has undergone a drastic transformation since she first came onto the scene as many 90 Day stars do. Yet, she is going the Darcey Silva route to where no one can tell it is her. Keep reading to see the shocking photos.

 Yara Zaya Unrecognizable, Fans Want DNA Test

Like many 90 Day Fiance ladies, Yara Zaya has succumbed to going under the knife. Fans have seen photos of her in the past when she had dark hair and very prominent features. Before she met her husband, Jovi Dufren, and still lived in Ukraine. Now in America, she and, Jovi are jet setters, traveling all over the place with their toddler daughter, Mylah. Along with the travels have come an everchanging look for Yara. She started by going platinum blonde and then opted for some plastic surgery.

Mylah Dufren, Jovi Dufren, Yara Zaya-Facebook
Mylah Dufren, Jovi Dufren, Yara Zaya-Facebook

Yara has copped to a nose job, breast augmentation, fillers, and Botox. This has radically changed her face and has left fans bewildered. A before and after was recently posted and, to be clear, all of the photos on the left with dark hair are “then” and on the left, as a blonde, are “now.”


Though she had work done, 90 Day fans were not put off by it:

  • She did a fantastic job reinventing herself👏🏼
  • Looks like she had a nose job. That’s about it. She’s been very up front about that. If I had the money, I would have ALL the surgeries. Good for her!

Followers felt that she changed but just enough to feel good about herself, until now. @90dayfianceupdate shared a new photo of Yara Zaya and she is unrecognizable.


After seeing her tiny nose and Bratz doll lips, no one believed it was Yara with one person saying:

  • Who is he? We need a DNA test.

That’s Not Her

This was not a good look for Yara Zaya who always wants to be as sexy and chic as possible. More so, 90 Day Fiance fans continued with their comments as they struggled to wrap their heads around it being her:

  • Didn’t even recognize her.
  • i just don’t understand why everyone wants to look EXACTLY the same as each other
  • Didn’t even recognize her. Poor thing messed up her face😢
  • yay! another 90 day woman had f****d her face up. Do they have to? Is it in their contract ?!

Others noted that Yara likely had filters on when she took the pictures so that also altered her face. It is sad to see someone so beautiful feel like they have to go to such lengths. However, if she is happy, that is all that matters.

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