90 Day Fiancé

Tigerlily Is Still Married to Her Ex-Husband and Had a Baby with Adnan Out of Wedlock

Tigerlily Is Still Married to Her Ex-Husband and Had a Baby with Adnan Out of Wedlock

90 Day's Tigerlily and Adnan Announce Arrival of Their First Baby, Zeyn  Eleven (Exclusive)

 Before The 90 Days season 7 couple Tigerlily and Adnan Abdelfattah might be hiding a significant secret from the show’s fans. Recent court documents obtained by credible news sources like InTouch Weekly and Starcasm.net reveal that Tigerlily is still legally married to her second husband, Darren Taylor.

This shocking news means that Tigerlily’s divorce was never finalized, and she and Adnan had a baby out of wedlock while judging other couples on the show for having premarital relationships.

Since Tigerlily is still legally married to her ex-husband, Adnan couldn’t enter the United States on a spousal visa. Instead, he likely came on a B-1 business visa or another type of work visa, considering his wealthy background and the fact that he and Tigerlily own two businesses together in the US. This also means that Tigerlily and Adnan are not legally married in Jordan, as Jordanian law requires proof of single status for marriage. However, they might have had a Nikah, an Islamic marriage, where both families agree that they can be together and have premarital relationships under the name of God.

Another storyline that could be fake if Tigerlily is still married to her ex is her concern about Adnan’s brother, who had power of attorney over him, and who could take loans in their names and disappear, leaving them and their kids in crippling debt. If the couple is only married in Islam and not legally married in governmental terms, this entire storyline, along with the postnuptial agreement that Tigerlily wanted Adnan to sign, could be scripted for the show.

TLC producers and writers are known for going above and beyond with their scripted storylines, often adding dramatic twists to keep viewers engaged. In the case of Tigerlily and Adnan, much of their love story could be fabricated for the show. The recent revelations about Tigerlily’s marital status and the couple’s unconventional visa arrangements suggest that some of their drama might be more fiction than reality.

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